
Alpha Omega Consulting Inc.- the leading provider of residential services for adults with disabilities.
About Alpha Omega Consulting Inc.
Founded by Scott Cornell in 1978, Alpha Omega Consulting was a consulting company focused on improving the lives of adults with disabilities to become more independent and integrated within their communities. At the time many adults with disabilities were isolated within large hospitals and nursing homes that maintained terrible conditions and minimum quality standards. Our company strived to provide an alternative to these settings and worked with partners throughout the United States in creating 16 bed Intermediate Care Facilities for developmentally disabled adults. These settings offered more personalized care and supports to our clients as well as a higher standard of quality and care. Over the next 20 years our company built and assisted with the development of numerous of these settings, improving the quality of life and improving adults with developmental disabilities community access.
In our continued quest of providing community-based services for our clients, we have partnered with the Illinois Department of Human Services in providing Community Integrated Living Arrangement services since 2013. CILA services allows our company to tailor services to our clients to meet their unique individual needs while permitting maximum flexibility for community access and supports.